
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Refresh of Classification Denormalization

On errors running Refresh of Classification Denormalization process execute the following:

1. Run the following query to see if index exists and if so, what is the value of DOMIDX_OPSTATUS column:
select index_name, table_name, STATUS, DOMIDX_OPSTATUS , PARAMETERS, owner
from dba_indexes
where index_name = 'HZ_CLASS_CODE_DENORM_T1'
and owner = 'AR'

2. Then drop and recreate the index.
drop index AR.hz_class_code_denorm_t1 ;

3. Then re-create the index using the following command:

create index AR.hz_class_code_denorm_t1
indextype is ctxsys.context ;

4. Run the Refresh of Classification Denormalization program.