Banks should be setup up if they have not already
Define Misc Transactions in AR for
Set any pre-defined Transfer Templates as required
Bank Transaction Codes for Bank Statement import
Note: The "Inter-company" other/other must be setup for any Legal Entity that will be involved in Bank Transfers as this is the account that is leveraged for Bank to Bank Transfers. Even if the transfers are to banks owned by the same LE this setup must be executed.
Detailed Setups for Inter/Intra Company (1552945.1)
(1). There are multiple reasons this issue might occur:Error: FUN_INTRA_RULE_NOT_ASSIGNED. Please follow thru the steps below:
1).“Enable Intracompany Balancing” flag is not checked for the Ledger. Select “Enabled Intracompany Balancing” flag for the Ledger.
1. Responsibility General Ledger
2. Setup: Financials: Accounting Setup Manager Accounting Setups
3. Search for the ledger and click on Update Accounting Options icon.
4. Click on Update icon for “Define and update the journal processing options for your ledger.” of the primary ledger.
5. Click ‘Next’ or select ‘Ledger Options’.
6. Ensure that the “Enable Intracompany Balancing” flag is checked.
2). Balancing Segment Value not assigned to the Legal Entity Assign the Balancing Segment Values to the Legal Entity.
Define the Intracompany rules under the “No Legal Entity Context”.
1. Responsibility General Ledger
2. Setup: Financials: Accounting Setup Manager Accounting Setups
3. Search for the ledger and click on Update Accounting Options icon.
4. Click on Update icon for “Define and update the journal processing options for your ledger.” of the primary ledger.
5. Click ‘Next’ or select ‘Ledger Options’.
6. Ensure that the “Enable Intracompany Balancing” flag is checked.
2). Balancing Segment Value not assigned to the Legal Entity Assign the Balancing Segment Values to the Legal Entity.
Define the Intracompany rules under the “No Legal Entity Context”.
1. Responsibility General Ledger responsibility.
2. Setup: Financials: Accounting Setup Manager Accounting Setups
3. Search for the ledger and click on Update Accounting Options icon.
4. On the table ‘Legal Entities’, check if the Balancing Segment Values involved in the transaction is attached to the designated legal entity.
5. If the Balancing Segment Values are not attached to the legal entity, click on “Update Balancing Segment Values” icon for the legal entity.
6. Assign the Balancing Segment Values to the legal entity.
7. Please make sure the LE-BSV association is not end dated.
8. If the user does not want to assign Balancing Segment Values to the legal entity, the Balancing Segment Values are by default associated to the Ledger. Hence, the user must define Intracompany rules for the ‘No Legal Entity’ context
3). Intracompany Rules are not defined: Intracompany rules are not defined for the legal entity.
Defining Intracompany rules for the legal entity or “No Legal Entity Context”.
1. Responsibility General Ledger responsibility.
2. Setup: Financials: Accounting Setup Manager Accounting Setups
3. If the LE-BSV association is as expected, the Intracompany rules must be defined for the legal entity for the appropriate Source and Category.
4. If the user does not want to assign the BSV to a legal entity below steps must be performed for ‘No Legal Entity’.
5. Click on the update icon for Intracompany Balancing Rule.
6. Click on define rules icon for the appropriate legal entity/No Legal entity Context.
7. Check that a rule with correct source and category exists.
8. If a rule does not exist please create one with appropriate source and category.
9. It is always advised to have a default rule with Source ‘Other’ and Category ‘Other’.
10. If a rule already exists, click on the update icon for the rule.
11. Make sure the rule has a ‘Enabled status, and a intracompany rule with Debit BSV ‘All Other’ and credit BSV ‘All Other’ must be defined.
4). Change the Intracompany Balancing Rules setup using the below steps:
1. Responsibility: General Ledger
2. Setup: Financials: Accounting Setup Manager: Accounting Setups
3. If the LE-BSV association is as expected, the Intracompany rules must be defined for the legal entity for the appropriate Source and Category as mentioned in step7.
4. If BSV is not assigned to a legal entity below steps must be performed for Legal Entity Name, ‘No Legal Entity’.
5. Click on the update icon against Intracompany Balancing Rule.
6. Click on update icon against the rule defined for the appropriate legal entity/No Legal entity Context.
7. Choose the correct source and category:
Source: Cash Management
Category: Bank Transfers(1)
Source ‘Other’ and Category ‘Other’.
8. If a rule does not exist in step 6, please create one with appropriate source and category and for the appropriate Legal Entity.
9. Make sure the rule has a ‘Enabled status, and Debit BSV ‘All Other’ and credit BSV ‘All Other’ must exist.
1. Responsibility: General Ledger
2. Setup: Financials: Accounting Setup Manager: Accounting Setups
3. If the LE-BSV association is as expected, the Intracompany rules must be defined for the legal entity for the appropriate Source and Category as mentioned in step7.
4. If BSV is not assigned to a legal entity below steps must be performed for Legal Entity Name, ‘No Legal Entity’.
5. Click on the update icon against Intracompany Balancing Rule.
6. Click on update icon against the rule defined for the appropriate legal entity/No Legal entity Context.
7. Choose the correct source and category:
Source: Cash Management
Category: Bank Transfers(1)
Source ‘Other’ and Category ‘Other’.
8. If a rule does not exist in step 6, please create one with appropriate source and category and for the appropriate Legal Entity.
9. Make sure the rule has a ‘Enabled status, and Debit BSV ‘All Other’ and credit BSV ‘All Other’ must exist.