
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

i-Expense Key Setups

Key Setup steps to get iExpense up and running

  1. License
  2. AP already up
  3. Default Exp Template iExpense enabled and set in Payable Options
  4. Employee
  5. In iExpense, enable the OU Context that will use it
  6. Set Accounting for ledgers and which segments are visible/up-dateable
  7. Setup any Policies i.e. Per Diem, Mileage
  8. Define Locations
  9. Setup Audit Rule Sets and assignments
  10. Set the default Location for reimbursement i.e. home, office
  11. Set the MO: profile for OU for the iExpense Responsibility
  12. Set the HR:%SEC% profile for the Resp Internet Expenses Setup and Administration
  13. If errors on main iExpense page make sure the OIE DFFs are compiled.