Submit Req - Make sure Workflow Background process "PO Create Documents" runs
Once Requisition is submitted for approval and his subsequently approved the workflow background process “PO Create Documents” must complete successfully in order that the item moves to a bona fide Req.
Inv Items in PO iProcurement
Purchasing/i-Proc setups
Define Category Structure for i-Proc
Define Expense Account Rules for each Category
Assure that iProcurement is licenced
Set PO Options items tab incl list price
Set Auto Create mapping profile
Assure that the Shopping Category is incl in Hierarchy
Category set at the Org level matters
Switch in and out of Categories to kick off the setting in iProc
Can’t duplication Category names between PO and iProc
Purchasing Categories must be mapped to Shopping
If mapping (PO Cat to Shopping Cat) does not exist at the time the Category is assigned to the item the item will not appear in iProc.
References : What Are The Steps For Enabling Items In The Procurement Catalog? 751324.1
134947.1 Approvals
Purchasing/i-Proc setups
Base Install of AGIS
BG setup along side AGIS for Belgium company = OutBev
Users for BE defined
Define the Flex Structures for:
System Items (Single 30)Catalogs Single 25)Categories (Double (Super and Type)
PO Categories if this will be usedInventory as needed for Inventory categorizationDefine values for the Categories in the VSDefine Category Set for PO if it is to be used
Alias (Single 25)Locator (none)Sales Order (default for om (Order Number, Order Type, Order Source)
Define UOM Class for at least Qty i.e. EAMapping to Purchasing Categories/Shopping Categories
Define Expense Account Rules for each Category
Assure nothing is populated in the MO: Security Profile populate the MO: Operating Unit with the appropriate value for iProcurement Resps. iProcurement is NOT MOAC enabled.
HR: Security Profile - Must be set to where the person intending to access is set up as an employee in an hr org.
HR:Business Group - Must be set to where the person intending to access is set up as an employee in an hr org.
Persons that will access/use iProcurement must be set up in HR and the HR person assigned to their respective FNDUsers.
Define Categories
Update Default Category Set for Inventory
Define Content Zones
Define Stores (Add CZ’s as fit)
Define Smart Forms as needed
Create BPA in PO for use in Catalog upload
Upload Catalogs via Spreadsheet