
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Create Documents Workflow FAQ (CREATEDOC / CREATEPO) (Doc ID 224100.1)

This FAQ document identifies the most frequently reported how-to questions relating to the Oracle Purchasing Approval functionality regarding to the CreatePO workflow. The articles below do not include bugs/patches or troubleshooting notes.

1. What is the setup needed for using Create Documents workflow?

If you want document creation to be launched online upon requisition approval, it is recommended to set workflow attribute ‘Send PO Autocreation to Background’ in requisition approval process to ‘N’. Otherwise if this attribute is set to ‘Y’ (default) then the requisition approval process launches the create document workflow when workflow background process is run. In this case, workflow background process must be run with parameters: item type ‘PO Requisition Approval’ and deferred ‘Yes’.

- Sourcing should be set up, so that the requisition gets sourced while creating it.

- If you want Create Document workflow to create the documents, then the ‘Release Method’ in ASL attributes should be defined as ‘Release Using AutoCreate’.

- In workflow definition for workflow ‘PO Create Documents’, the item attribute ‘Is Automatic Creation Allowed?’ should be set to ‘Y’ (Default). Also if attribute ‘Should Workflow Create the Release?’ is set to ‘Y’ (default), then workflow tries to create the releases.

2. How to set the CreatePO workflow attributes?

To set/modify the attributes, follow these steps in workflow builder:

a. Open workflow builder and connect to the database as the APPS user. Open the PO Create Workflow. The display name is PO Create Documents.

b. Expand the data source, and then the PO Create workflow item type branch within that data source.

c. Expand the Attributes branch within the PO Create workflow branch.

d. Double click on the attribute to open the Properties window. Set the value of the attribute and save changes.

3. Can POs be automatically approved when created by this workflow?

In workflow ‘PO Create Documents’, set item attribute ‘Is Automatic Approval Allowed?’ to ‘Y’. By default this attribute is set to ‘N’. If you change this attribute to ‘Y’, then upon document creation, PO approval workflow is automatically launched.

4. Why is the requisition approval workflow going to background and not calling the CreatePO workflow immediately?

The requisition approval workflow is going to the background because the workflow attribute 'Send PO Autocreation to Background' is set to Yes. Change the attribute value to N using workflow builder.

5. How does the Create Document Workflow decide which buyer to use for the automatically created documents?

Workflow tries to retrieve buyer information in following order:

- Buyer specified on the Requisition Line

- Default buyer from Master Item

- Category

- Buyer of the source document

When creating a release, workflow retrieves the buyer’s name from the blanket agreement. If workflow cannot find a buyer, it doesn’t create a document.

6. What is the logic for createpo to default the ship to value at the header level?

This is the logic for standard purchase orders:

a. From supplier site

b. From supplier if supplier site is null

c. From financial options if 1) and 2) are null.

7. Which user's Approval Authority will be pulled for the PO Approval?  (Requestor's or Buyer's)

The approval of the created PO from the Requisition PO follows the Approval path of the Purchase Order Document Type.  This means that the Approval Limits of the Buyer will be used for the Approval of the Purchase Order, even though the associated Requisition was first raised by the requestor.

8. What setup is needed to allow the same Line Sequence seen on the Requisition, to be seen on the PO?

Set the worklfow attribute 'GROUPING_ALLOWED_FLAG' (Is Grouping of Requisition Line Allowed?) to "N".  The Default is "Y"

9. Are there any columns in the PO requisition header, lines or distributions tables that carries the contract PO number used by create-po workflow?

The column po_requisition_lines_all.blanket_po_header_id will have the contract id if the contract is referenced in the requisition line by user. If not, the create-po workflow will look for valid contracts for the suggested vendor id.

10. Is it possible to autocreate purchase orders for non-catalog requisitions?

Yes, please review Note 374180.1 for detailed setup requirements.

11. Are requisition header attachments copied over to the automatic purchase order?

Yes, the requisition header attachments are copied to the corresponding purchase order line.