- Using PO - "Purchasing Contracts" - Integrate contract terms with a Contract Purchase Agreement, PO, or Sourcing document.
- Using full blown Contracts - "Repository Contracts" -
- Created in using the Workbench.
- Can include:
- License agreements
- non-disclosure agreements (NDA)
- merger agreements
- purchase agreements
- sales agreements
- Are outside normal purchasing flows and full execution capabilities are not required
License the App
Procurement Contracts
Set the following profile option to "Yes"
PO: Contracts Enabled
Set the following at the OU details in the Orgs window:
Using the responsibility: BE Contracts Terms Library Administrator setup up the following:
- Number Schemes (O)
- Sections (R)
- Folders (O)
- Clauses (R)
- Contract Templates (R)
- Contract Roles (X )
- Risks (O)
- Contract Types (R)