Follow the following steps to put in
place a foundation/base for Projects
- Define Responsibilities with profiles set for the following:
- HR
- MO
- GL
- Set profiles for both the Calendar and Budget items
- Update/Add to Org the PA Org types:
- Expenditure/Event
- Task Owning
- Create Org Hierarchy
- Do Implementation Options
- Service Type(s)
- Expenditure Categories
- Revenue Categories>
- Expenditure Types
- Resource List(s)
- Classification Categories if used-Not Required - (Can be used for AA if set)
- Project Types:
- Indirect
- Capital
- Contract
Budgets-Key Configs (Budget Types, Entry Methods, Resource Lists)
Expenditures (Exp Categories, Rev Categories, Exp Types, Rate Schedules-Empl-Jobs-etc)
Projects (Roles, Classifications, Service Types, Project Types, Project Templates)
Auto Accounting Configuration
- Lookup Sets
- Rules
- Assign Rules